Our partnership with swisscleantech:
Doing climate-compatible business in Switzerland.
Griesser has been a sponsoring member of swisscleantech since 2021, which has enabled us to further expand our collaboration with this Swiss business and industry association. swisscleantech presently numbers over 600 members from more than 30 sectors of business and industry along with the political and societal worlds. Its prime objective: to promote and support a climate-minded economy, and to work with leading partners in the energy and climate fields to help drive Swiss politics and society towards a carbon-neutral Switzerland by 2050.
Committed to stricter climate protection laws
Griesser Group CEO Urs Neuhauser is also a member of CEO4Climate, an association of (currently) 400 chief executives who are lobbying for stricter climate protection legislation.
For further information visit www.swisscleantech.ch