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Commitment No. 1

Griesser will be climate-neutral by 2050.

Our contribution to sustainable development
As a forward-looking company, we are fully aware at Griesser of our responsibility towards nature and the environment. That’s why we align all our business activities to sustainable long-term objectives: innovative products manufactured in resources-sparing ways, targeted investments in sustainable building refurbishments and switching our company vehicle fleet to e-mobility solutions, to highlight just a few of our prime commitments here.

Our Griesser Climate Vision specifies binding goals and timelines for the years ahead:

  • A responsibility-minded organization by 2025
  • An emission-free vehicle fleet by 2030
  • The best product in its class by 2030
  • Climate-neutral production sites by 2035
  • The overriding goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Sustainability: a shared objective
Effective climate protection and sustainable business and industry can only be achieved and maintained through a collective societal approach – preferably an international one that involves close and constant exchange. Griesser sees great opportunities here. Which is why, for over 15 years now, our company has been working together with a series of strong partners. We maintain robust networks of local and international links that help our industrial concern work to protect our climate. Our goal in doing so: to realize our Griesser Climate Vision and set and maintain new standards in the field.

Our commitment
to tomorrow

Commitment No. 9

Griesser opens innovative new facility at its Nenzing site.

Commitment No. 8

Griesser uses green aluminum to reduce its carbon footprint.

Commitment No. 7

Energy savings through our smart solar shading solutions.

Commitment No. 6

All our production sites will be climate-neutral from 2035 on.

Commitment No. 5

We promote equal opportunities for all.

Commitment No. 4

The Griesser Company Challenge: climate care ideas from our apprentice corps.

Commitment No. 3

Our Sustainability Community: Working together for a more sustainable world.

Commitment No. 2

Our fleet will be emission-free from 2030 on.